Sam Recks ‘Embellishments’ x Berry’s Maple
Sam Recks finds the perfect location at Berry’s Maple, for his latest music video ‘Embellishments.’
Artist: @samrecks ‘Embellishments’ Directed & Edited by REKKI.
DOP: @han__dop
Grade: @xtigas
Mixed: @abiggymix
Master: @mixedbyquan
Project Overview:
Brief: This song is all about showing the side of a relationship that nobody sees, the things that make the relationship beautiful is all the arguments and disagreements you and your significant other have which eventually makes you stronger as a unit. Embellishments is what the outside looking in see.- Rekki
House: Berry’s Maple
Date: 11th June
Time: 11am-6pm
Crew size: 10
Areas: All areas + garden
Shoot type: Film- music video