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To list your property for film and photoshoots, we will first evaluate whether your home is suitable for set up. We will then arrange to come visit your home and meet you, your family and pets. We will bring our amazing photography team to come and photograph your spaces whilst we chat through our information sheet. This sheet covers every single question that bookers may ask when renting out your location. EG Rooms, Parking available and Rules. We will ensure you know how to mitigate damage and manage crew expectations, we hold your hand along the way.
Once we have completed the home consultation and we have received the edited photographs back, our team will get you listed with all our major contacts, upload to you the website, social media and include you in the monthly newsletter to all of our industry connections. We will then update you with all the information you need to know, including; a welcome pack, links to all of the above and any next steps.
Once these steps are completed, you will officially be a shoot location with Location Creation and ready to go!
Typically, the most popular properties are modern homes located in London within the M25. They are usually light and spacious with owners that are flexible and accommodating. This excludes the few homes outside of the M25 that are quite grand and spectacular. Crews will be more willing to travel out for homes like this.
Still photo shoots pay less than film shoots. The general guidance is that the larger the cast, crew and take over of the house, the higher the rate.
There are some editorial companies that have very low budgets with no scope for negotiation. Generous content and exposure is seen as a fair pay off.
Renting out your home for film and photoshoots can earn you from £500-£10K. We aim to get our owners a minimum of £1K per job, depending on the variables such as crew size, level of disruption and shoot hours.
Some owners are happy to accept jobs with smaller budgets like magazine editorials and photoshoots with less crew.
At Location Creation, we know how the industry works and will always push for the best package possible.
Production companies or end clients may ask to visit your Location to assess suitability.
Recce time is unpaid (unless numerous additional visits are required on larger projects).
An initial recce may be a location scout or production team member. Sometimes followed up by a director’s recce. Recces usually take about fifteen to thirty minutes.
A tech recce usually means you are the confirmed Location choice. A larger team attends for two to three hours to work through the logistical issues, art intentions, and electrical and lighting requirements. You can let them in and leave them to it.
Someone needs to be present for recces, it can be a friend, neighbour, cleaner or older child if the Owner is not around. Location Creation can do this but will charge an Attendance Fee and will require keys and details of alarm codes.
The Location does not need to be “shoot ready” for a recce, they just want to see the spaces and rooms in person.
It is worth making time for recces as it helps with consideration for other briefs as location managers and scouts work across the industry.
For larger jobs the recce team may be working on a multi-location schedule and delays frequently happen with traffic and time overruns. Please be patient and as flexible as possible!
If we have them we share contact details for you and the recce team so you can contact each other directly if they are late or lost.
Opening your home to shoot use means that some wear and tear is unavoidable.
Please do rest assured that EVERY shoot that comes into your house will have their own public liability insurance.
We do recommend to our owners that they film around the house and film areas before crew arrival in case there is any damage and we need before and after photos.
Damage must be pointed out and recorded on the shoot day or as soon as possible. Please also check your own home insurance.
A typical film shoot day will be twelve hours, usually 8am-8pm. It will never exceed twelve hours a day and we do not like to let shoots in before 8am as it disrupts neighbours.
If crews need to drop off or collect kit outside of full shoot days it will be organised and communicated in advance.
Large film shoots can run across multiple days and weeks. If filming takes place in your house over weeks or months, they will cover costs for you to move out temporarily (with prior arrangement). These jobs are higher disruption and higher paying, usually for Netflix, Apple, Bollywood and the like.
Smaller shoots from online platforms can ask for as low as four hours.
Editorial: Photographs for magazines and newspapers. Paid by publishers and have lower budgets.
Advertising: Stills and videos for campaigns and catalogues. Larger crew and larger pay.
Film: TV and film. Larger shoots with more equipment and requirements. Larger productions, larger amount of disruption and higher paid.
Assume the shoot is going to require the entire space, as photographed, unless otherwise agreed.
This can exclude rooms e.g. home office space and children’s bedrooms.
All finance questions and matters go to All payments occur on Finance Fridays and should be with you within a week. If longer (some jobs are on thirty day terms) we will let you know.
When there is a big film shoot there tends to be extra expenses which might add a delay, which we will do our best to keep you up to date on.
Income from shoots is treated as your personal revenue. Your costs for setting up and running shoots (e.g. post shoot cleaning, tea, coffee, mugs, loo rolls) can be offset against the revenue from the shoots for your personal tax purposes.
This must be properly and reasonably incurred in relation to the shoots.