Our Services

Location Creation is a one-stop consultancy with the expertise to help provide you with everything you need to set up your home or property as a successful film or photoshoot location. For over 20 years we’ve taken expert care of the best TV commercial locations London has to offer, and film-friendly properties to hire all over the country, so you’re in safe hands.

Take a look at our offered services below.

Film Set House Rental - Homeowner Options

Interested in having your home on our list of film friendly properties to hire?

The first step is an initial assessment, to check if your property would be suitable. Please refer to to our FAQ and email photographs of your home to welcome@locationcreation.co.uk.

1. Premium Service: Luxury and larger homes

  • In-person consultation with Location Creation

  • Set of professional photographs depending on size of property and grounds.

  • Registration with our entire list of location libraries across the UK

  • Bespoke social media campaign and newsletter publication

  • Suitable for four + bedroom homes

 2. Standard Service: Smaller properties/flats

  • Remote consultation with Location Creation

  • Set of professional photographs

  • Registration with a condensed list of location libraries across the UK

  • Social media mentions

  • Suitable for two bed flats and smaller homes

3. Add Ons and Extras

  • Extra photographs: Updated images due to renovations, seasonal imagery or simply additional photos

  • Floorplan

  • Walk through video

  • Business cards

  • Additional social media promotion to location libraries and industry contacts